Olive Leaf Extract: Clinically Proven
A couple of studies illustrate olive leaf benefits patients with prehypertension and stage 1 hypertension, making it an effective high blood pressure supplement.
After discovering that it effectively treated hypertension in rats, Swiss and German researchers reported in 2008 in the medical journal Phytotherapy Research that an extract of olive leaf benefits heart health by reducing blood pressure as well as cholesterol in adults with prehypertension. (Research Article)
How Long Does It Take For Olive Leaf Extract To Lower Blood Pressure?
In a double-blind, controlled study in humans, this formulation reduced systolic blood pressure by an average 11.5 points mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure by 4.8 points—in just eight weeks. Olive leaf extract can help support healthy blood pressure.
Olive Leaf Extract – Lowering Blood Pressure
Olive leaf extract also offers anti-hypertensive properties that can address hypertension, lowering blood pressure and ultimately helping to lower the risk of potential heart complications.
In 2011, experts at the University of Indonesia evaluated its effectiveness as compared to a common prescription medication given to those with high blood pressure or hypertension known as Captopril. The patients were given 500 milligrams of olive leaf extract twice each day for a period of eight weeks and experienced dramatically reduced diastolic and systolic blood pressure.
The researchers noted that while both the medication and extracts were able to prevent high blood pressure, the olive leaf extract treatment also offered another benefit: reducing triglyceride levels.
As Captopril comes with a number of potential side effects like loss of taste, dizziness, and dry cough, those who took olive leaf extract were able to enjoy the medicinal benefits without the side effects.
OLIFE 1000 ml contains 93% of (OLIVUM®), our exclusive olive tree leaves’ water infusion rich in Oleuropein, Elenolic Acid, Rutin, Tyrosol and the efficient antioxidant Hydroxytirosol.
It has been scientifically recognized that these molecules have the following effects: antioxidant, antiradical, regulate arterial pressure, improve blood circulation, energizing, hypoglycaemic, lower cholesterol, metabolize lipids and carbohydrates.
How Olive Leaf Extract Can Help Lower Blood Pressure
Oleuropein contributes in a few different ways to lower blood pressure. The most immediate is that it has vasodilator properties. This means that in the right amounts, it will cause blood vessels to relax and widen, allowing for better blood flow. High blood pressure is a result of something causing your heart to exert more force than normal to get blood pumping through the body. Larger passageways mean flow is easier, and less force is required.
The second way oleuropein helps blood pressure is because it is a potent antioxidant. Free radicals are a type of chemical substance that can be introduced to the body through outside means (inhaling smoke, drinking, certain foods, etc.) or as a byproduct of some of the body’s natural functions. Free radicals are highly reactive and like to oxidize (react) with almost anything they come into contact with, creating an unwanted reaction that ends up damaging whatever cell is affected and usually leading to a chain reaction effect.
This affects blood pressure in two ways. The first is that the reactions that free radicals trigger can lead to inflammation of the blood vessels. The second is that the process helps LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) adhere to the side of blood vessels. Both of these effects can narrow the available space in the vessel and result in high blood pressure. Oleuropein interferes with this oxidation process and blocks it from completing.
Scientific Studies
Olive tree is the foundation plant of the mediterranean diet and it has recently been rediscovered all over the world.
We use olives and oil for consumption but it has been scientifically proven that in the leaves can be found the vast majority of active principles.
In the last ten years more than 40 University and Medical studies have been conducted on the properties of olive tree leaves.
Here are just a few of the 16,500+ scientific studies that confirm the health benefits of olive leaves, in particular the key nutrient contained in the leaves, oleuropein.
US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
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